
How To Prevent Cyberbullying For Kids

Sticks and stones may break bones, but words can definitely hurt just as bad, if not worse than some physical altercations. Computers provide us with access to the greatest bank of information ever compiled. However, we also live in an era where we can say whatever we want to whoever we want under the thick veil of anonymity.  This illusion of safety behind the screen can lead to bullying in whole new and even more embarrassing ways. That is why these tips for how to prevent cyberbullying for kids are so important. We need to help our kids understand the ways that tech can be used inappropriately, how to avoid cyberbullies, and how to stop cyberbullying if it should happen to them or their friends.

How To Prevent Cyberbullying

It is so important to talk to our kids about cyberbullying before it happens.  The best cyberbullying prevention involves making sure children understand what cyberbullying is and that they know they can get help handling the cyberbully. 

Cyberbullying is the use of the internet or mobile technology to bully others. Cyberbullying can take many forms. Examples are posting inappropriate photos on social media, spreading lies and mean rumors, or sending harassing messages. You should make sure your child understands that you know cyberbullying can happen, that it is not OK, and that they can get help. Cyberbullying statistics may help you start the conversation around how to prevent cyberbullying.

Cyberbullying Statistics

Children being cyberbullied is much more common than you may think! Computers, tablets and predominately cell phones have become the medium by which kids are targeted and are targeting in a multitude of disturbing ways.

In fact, according to, 41 percent of children have been bullied online, and an alarming number have had it happen more than once. Even more startling is the fact that 80 percent of children have been witness to cyberbullying. This leaves parents and leaders responsible to step up and stop this devastating trend. It’s time to teach our kids how to navigate the perils of the online world and how to prevent cyberbullying.

Today’s kids are more connected than ever. Cyberbullying isn’t something we had to deal with, but it’s a harsh reality for our children.  The Cyberbullying Research Center reviewed 234 cyberbullying articles published in peer-reviewed academic journals. They concluded that, “about one out of every four teens has experienced cyberbullying, and about one out of every six teens has done it to others”.

Is Cyberbullying A Crime?

Montana is the only state in the union that doesn’t have anti-bullying laws on the books. New Jersey has the toughest laws on this in the country. New Jersey enacted the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights in 2011, following a number of cyberbullying-related suicides that happened across the country. says that, “Cyberbullying may often be treated as a civil, rather than a criminal matter.” However, they also share that serious criminal charges have been brought in cases where the offense has resulted in suicide or other tragic consequences.

The bottom line is cyberbully may or may not be illegal (depending on where you live and the severity) but either way, it is wrong. We have to tell our kids it is unacceptable to do to other kids. They also need to know that is OK to get help if it happens to them.

Talk About The Dangers of Strangers & CyberBullies

According to Lifelock, it isn’t just cyberbullies targeting our children. Youth is the fastest growing demographic for identity theft and other online crimes as well. The Internet can be nearly impossible to patrol, and the more unsafe-surfing is done, the more vulnerable children end up being. That doesn’t mean you should stand over your kid’s shoulder the entire time they’re surfing online. It just means that creating a dialog about the dangers of the Internet needs to be on the forefront of your parenting roster when they reach browsing age. A survey by Knowledge Masters found that less than half of parents monitor the sites their children look up. Kids tend to know this and end up treating the Internet like a limitless playground.

Lead By Example

Parents can play the role of the enforcer all they want, but leading by example is just as important. If you find yourself tempted to leave a mean anonymous comment on a blog, or shoot down a stranger for saying something you disagree with online think to yourself whether you would say that to the person in real life. If the answer is no, then don’t. The nature of online communication causes what John Suler, author of The Psychology of Cyberspace, calls disassociative anonymity. This means that you can say whatever you want online without repercussions you can get the same power high many achieve by putting others down, but without having to deal with the nitty-gritty of the effect it has on the other human.

Teach Kids To Avoid Being A Cyberbully

Teaching kids and teens to deflect attacks with humor or strength of character is an important tactic. Parents should also talk to their kids about the importance of character and choosing not to be a bully. Teach kids to match their actions to who they want to be. The most important things to for your kids to remember while using the Internet are:

  • Be respectful: Don’t say anything you wouldn’t want said to you
  • Don’t victimize or generally be mean (if they don’t know what being mean means, you’ve got a whole different book of problems to deal with)
  • If you see something, say something
  • Stand up for yourself without being a jerk
  • Never reveal any personal information online: Assume that the whole school is watching you online that’s a good rule of thumb for monitoring behavior
  • Using the Internet is a privilege; it isn’t a birthright, so don’t treat it as such!
  • Teach them to know what cyberbullying is and talk to you about it if it happens.

What Cyberbullying For Kids Looks Like:

Fox News reports that 88 percent of teenagers have encountered cyberbullying in their lives, whether it’s been directed at them or someone close to them. Cyberbullying can take many form. Sometimes the bully posts embarrassing photos on social media. Other times the bully makes abusive comments the person’s own social posts. Some cyberbullies make malicious comments and manipulate the targets friends by using a fake profile on a social network.

No matter what form cyberbullying takes, it can lead to self-esteem issues, behavioral problems and depression.

Effects of Cyberbullying

The first thing to watch for is drastic changes in behavior. While this can be hard to monitor at times—given how many emotional changes children and teens go through—some things to look for include:

  •     Aversion to social networking and texting
  •     Eating more or less
  •     Marked differences in sleeping schedule
  •     Inability to concentrate
  •     Acting out in school

How To Stop Cyberbullying- What To Do If Your Child Is Cyberbullied

Talk to your children. Ask what’s bothering them and be proactive about protecting them. Monitor their social network profiles and block people who harass them. Your child should also know it is safe for them to come to you with questions or concerns at any time.  It may be appropriate to reach out to school officials if cyberbullying is coming from a known source at your child’s school. If your child is being bullied, get help at

I hope you find these tips helpful for how to prevent cyberbullying. It starts with being aware of the cyberbullying problem. This will give you the opportunity to talk about it with your kids. Hopefully you can avoid problems or deal with things as they come up. It can tough protecting your children. However, when there are open lines of communication, it makes it harder for the cyberbullies to win.

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