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    That’s a Good Question! Podcast: Episode 3

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    That’s a Good Question! Podcast: Episode 2

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    That’s a Good Question Podcast: Episode 1

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    Importance Of Writing Skills For Your Child

    Along with the math problems and biology lessons, it is vital for each young child to master his or her own mother tongue and ability to communicate clearly. Even if the child is born and grows up in an environment where their particular language is the official one, children will still need a lot of practice to improve their writing skill abilities. Especially when it comes to developing good writing skills.  The importance of writing skills should not be overlooked because they are the key to clear communication. Good writing skills will help a child do well in school and likely in their chosen career as well.
    Whereas talking comes naturally and reading is somehow easier, acquiring writing skills requires a lot of practice as well as the proper instruction. As a caring and loving parent you can contribute to your child’s quest in becoming a good writer. It is helpful to remind your child of the importance of writing skills and encourage them to practice though creative writing prompts. If you enjoy their written work, show them and they will naturally put more effort into their writing skills.
    The Importance Of Writing Skills

    Good handwriting skills, both in print and in cursive, are just the beginning or developing good writing skills. Handwriting is important is conveying your meaning and also to show effort put into a document. If an adult handed you a document with the handwriting shown above you may wonder about the acuity of what you were about to read.
    The importance of developing good writing skills goes far beyond just handwriting. It is about being able to present ones ideas, whether it is a story or an argument, with a clarity of vision and purpose. The importance of developing good writing skills can’t be underestimated. From writing one’s college entry essay, to writing a letter to a loved one, to writing up a business proposal, there are so many uses of writing throughout life and so many reasons to want your writing skills to be strong.
    As the National Writing Project puts it, “writing is a complex activity; more than just a skill or talent, it is a means of inquiry and expression for learning in all grades and disciplines.”
    As Stanford’s President, John Hennessy (a computer scientist and electrical engineer) once said, “[In college] we had a notion that engineers had to know how to use slide rules or calculators or computers but not how to write. And that is the biggest falsehood you could possibly perpetrate on young people. I think writing and rhetoric — public speaking — are the two most valuable skills across any discipline in any field.” Whether you are a secretary, or a doctor, a retail manager, or a field biologist, writing matters. The importance of developing good writing skills is one that will pay off both in school and in the real world as you must be able to express yourself.

    How To Improve Writing Skills With Creative Writing For Kids
    There are certain things you can do at home, which will definitely help your children to improve writing skills.
    Place Value On Writing
    Ask your child to contribute with making up shopping lists, birthday and holiday cards, notes to friends, taking telephone messages, preparing invitations, making a dream board, etc. Writing for real purposes makes the child feel important and relied on. This will help him/her see that there really is an importance of developing good writing skills.
    Age Appropriate Writing Activities
    Start with the age appropriate writing activities from an early age and move into creative writing kids will enjoy as they get older. Let them write their own storybook. The importance of developing good writing skills is certainly a priority in your child’s education and you can help them learn to enjoy writing.  You may also want to reward their efforts to show them it matters.
    Expand Vocabulary
    Talk about new things that have been encountered during the day. Discuss what was smelled, heard, tasted, etc. Help your child expand his/her vocabulary. Expanding their vocabulary and ability to describe details is like giving them a wider arsenal of words to use in their writing.
    Provide An Example
    Let your child follow your example. Be both a teacher and a role model in creative writing kids will enjoy. Try to be seen writing more often. Provided that you are never seen writing, your kid might assume that writing is a tedious activity that only happens at school. Write memos, letters or even fridge notes. Read aloud and make corrections. This is in support of the necessity for revision. Try some creative writing prompts and develop stories that your kids will enjoy listening to you read and be impressed that you wrote.
    Aid Kids With Creative Writing Ideas And Process
    Offer and provide as much help as possible. Discuss the creative writing ideas they have and give them useful hints. Guide them through the process by pointing out both the dos and don’ts. Assist them in completing their school writing tasks. Discuss what ideas they have and with just a little help you will discover what your child wants to say (write) but and help them find the right words. Additional help must be provided especially when it comes to punctuation and correct spelling. Be more of a helper than a critic. After all, your aim is to help, not to discourage and a child could be easily discouraged if criticized too much.
    Provide Writing Space
    Provide your kid with a personal writing space, something like a study of his/her own. Even a small table in a quiet place of your home, preferably next to a window, so that s/he could daydream and think of nice creative writing ideas.
    Writing Tools
    Encourage your son/daughter to write, by giving them fine presents, associated with writing. Here are some examples of presents that will encourage writing: pens and pencils of different colors, a desk lamp, paper for writing (again, choose ones with different colors), booklet for a daily journal, a certain dictionary (or a thesaurus for older children when they are seeking for the right word).
    Creative Writing Prompts
    Do not demand, but rather encourage frequent writing. There are times when the child might have an inspiration, and others when there is no inspiration at all. Be understanding. Try providing fun journal prompts and creative writing questions that will encourage their imagination.
    Praise Helps Improve Writing Skills
    Focus and emphasize on the writing successes, not the flaws. Praise your child’s good work and refrain from being harsh on him/her because of the errors. However, do comment on and correct the errors.  Make writing interesting. If you have more time to spend with your child, assign him/her certain topics to write about, but stick to things that are of his/her interest, something s/he is interested in and fond of.

    Ernest Hemingway once said, “It’s none of their business that you have to learn to write. Let them think you were born that way.” The more you write, the easier it gets and the better you become! When you child understand the importance of writing skills, they will naturally want to become a good writer. There are many ways inspire children in writing and I hope you enjoyed these ideas.  Which ways for how to improve writing skills, do you think your child will take to the most?
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