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    Play could help reduce ‘Covid-19 Slump’ in learning

    We should pay extra attention to the home schooling and care of disadvantaged children during the Covid-19 crisis. Their potential loss of learning could require that some students repeat an entire grade. However, play with families, as well as government help with computer access, can help mitigate the damage. These students are at particular risk […] More

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    How much child maintenance should I pay?

    There is not a standard amount of child maintenance that everyone pays as there are different criteria and circumstances which can impact on the amount.  These include how many children there are, how much the parent responsible for paying maintenance earns and how much time the children spend with each parent. Phoebe Hill, Solicitor at […] More

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    Children adopted by gay fathers show stronger attachment

        Child Development Research, Insights and Science Briefs to Your Inbox                     > This research on gay fathers contradicts beliefs that fathers have less innate caring ability than mothers and challenges the historical emphasis on mothers. Researchers at Cambridge University in the UK have found […] More

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    The importance of singing to babies: a source of comfort

        Child Development Research, Insights and Science Briefs to Your Inbox                     This experiment, conducted in Canada, confirmed the importance of singing to babies and the positive effects that familiar songs have on them. Singing familiar songs to a distressed baby brings comfort—more so than […] More

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    The case M v F: Defective child arrangements order set aside

    The case M v F: For reasons that will soon become apparent I shall start this post with a very brief outline of the procedure on an application for a child arrangements order. FHDRA Once the application has been made the court will fix a first hearing, known as a ‘First Hearing Dispute Resolution Appointment’, […] More

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    Child arrangements during lockdown

    We are currently navigating unprecedented times as the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak continues in the UK.  This public health crisis has raised worries and concerns by many separated parents as to the impact the current lockdown will have on child arrangements. COVID-19 lockdown The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson addressed the nation on Monday (23 March […] More

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    How do young children make sense of death?

    Children construct knowledge about death. They actively ask questions, they observe events and behaviors around them, they read books and watch films. By the age of six, most children seem to have a fairly sophisticated understanding of death, according to a recent review of the research.  This is earlier than once thought: the famous early researcher Jean Piaget (1896-1980) proposed […] More