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    Does Something Suddenly Feel Off In Your Marriage?

    By Jeff Anderson | Contributor Sometimes, people start a divorce by going to a lawyer, paying a retainer, and signing a contract to start with the divorce proceedings. Others may speak to an attorney and then go home to gather all the necessary documents to plan for the divorce. If you suspect that your spouse might be doing some planning, here are some signs to look for. […] More

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    McKenzie Friends: Study highlights the perils of unqualified advice

    McKenzie friends Biased advice  As I mentioned here on Friday, Dr Tatiana Tkacukova, Senior Lecturer in English Language at Birmingham City University and Professor Hilary Sommerlad, Leeds Law School, have carried out a study assessing the quality of advice handed out by advisors on online forums and social media platforms. It does not make particularly happy reading, finding “that online advisors […] More

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    Ryan Kirkham Shares The Secret Weapon for Divorced Parents

    By Ryan Kirkham Prior to the now-ubiquitous “smartphone,” one of the first purchases many people made during the new calendar year was an actual calendar. My favorites growing up were Gary Larson’s The Far Side cartoon calendars. To the divorced or divorcing parent, they may find themselves living in a surrealist, Far Side-like existence created by […] More